The anticipation of a snow day is a universal feeling for school kids and many adults. Those fluffy flakes of white powder bring the promise of canceled classes, hot chocolate, and a day spent building snow forts or enjoying cozy indoor activities. But how can you know if your wish for a snow day will come true? Enter the snow day calculator.

In this post, we will highlight the three best snow calculators and explain how a snow day calculators work.

What is a Snow Day Calculator?

snow day calculators

Snow day calculators are online tools, often a little whimsical in design, that help predict the likelihood of schools closing due to winter weather. These calculators take into account several factors, including:

  • Predicted snowfall: How much snow is expected to accumulate.
  • Temperature: Whether temperatures are expected to create icy or hazardous conditions.
  • Wind speed: Increased wind speeds can worsen visibility and make travel difficult.
  • School district history: How often your school district typically declares snow days.

3 Best snow day calculators

3 Best snow day calculators

Best snow day calculators, along with some brief descriptions of what sets them apart:

  1. Snow Day Calculator
    • One of the most popular and well-established calculators. It features a simple interface, clear percentage-based predictions, and a fun section displaying statistics about other recent snow day searches.
    • Website: Snow day calculator
  2. willihaveasnowday
    • This calculator stands out with its whimsical design and humorous verdicts (“You’re Dreaming” for low percentages). It also keeps it simple in terms of the required info, making it super easy to use.
    • Website: Is it a snow day
  3. AccuWeather 
  • It draws on a well-maintained database to provide accurate predictions for its region. It delivers minute-by-minute precipitation forecasts for the next two hours. 
  • The MinuteCast feature is easily accessible on the AccuWeather website.
  • Website: AccuWeather.

How Do Snow Day Calculators Work?

Data gathering

  • Weather Forecasts: Calculators access data from reliable weather sources like the National Weather Service. They analyze elements like:
    • Snowfall amount (in inches or centimeters)
    • Temperature (both current and projected)
    • Wind speed and potential for blizzard conditions
    • Timing of the storm (overnight vs. during school hours)
  • Location: Your zip code or city helps the calculator understand local weather patterns and the type of infrastructure in place (urban vs. rural).
  • School-Specific Factors: Some calculators allow you to input:
    • School type: Public schools often follow different protocols than private ones.
    • Historical Snow Day Trends: How often does your school district typically call snow days?

The Calculation Process

There are two main ways snow day calculators arrive at their predictions:

  • Simple Algorithms: Basic calculators use preset formulas. They compare the gathered data to ranges or averages deemed “likely” to result in a snow day. These calculators usually give a straightforward percentage chance.
  • Machine Learning Models: More sophisticated calculators use machine learning algorithms. These algorithms have been “trained” on massive amounts of historical data about weather patterns and corresponding school closure decisions. This allows them to identify complex patterns and make nuanced predictions.

Output: The Prediction

  • Percentage Chance: The most common output is a percentage indicating the likelihood of a snow day.
  • Humorous Verdicts: Some calculators add personality by giving funny verdicts alongside the percentage (like “Don’t Hold Your Breath”).
  • Additional Insights: A few calculators offer extra information, such as estimated road conditions or comparisons of different weather forecast models.

How Accurate are Snow Day Calculators?

The accuracy of these calculators can vary. While they can be a fun way to gauge the possibility of a snow day, it’s important to remember that the ultimate decision rests with your school district. Factors beyond what the calculator analyzes can play a role, such as road conditions in specific areas or staffing issues caused by the weather.


Snow day calculators add a touch of excitement and anticipation to those snowy forecasts. While they should never replace official school closure announcements, they can certainly help you gauge the possibility of an unexpected day off.

Whether you prefer the simplicity of ‘Is It a Snow Day?’, the established reputation of ‘Snow Day Calculator’, or the added data insights of other options, these tools are a reminder of the simple joys of winter weather.

So, the next time flakes start to fall, don’t be afraid to indulge in a quick snow day prediction; it might just bring a smile to your face, even if school remains in session.


  • Are snow day calculators always accurate?

 No, snow day calculators are fun tools, but school closure decisions are complex. They can offer a general idea of the likelihood, but they can’t fully predict what your district will ultimately decide.

  • How do snow day calculators work?

They analyze various factors such as snowfall predictions, temperatures, wind speeds, and your school district’s history of snow days. Some use simple formulas, while others have complex machine learning algorithms for their predictions.

  • Why aren’t all snow day calculators the same?

Calculators can differ in the data they use, how they weigh specific factors, and the complexity of their prediction models. This can lead to variations in the results they give.


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